The Top Five Workplace Wellbeing Trends for 2022

The World Health Organisation predicts that by 2022, stress will be the number one health problem faced by employees worldwide. This is why it is more important than ever for businesses to focus on workplace wellbeing. In this blog post, we will discuss the top five trends in workplace wellbeing that we predict will emerge over the next few years. Keep reading to learn more!

Prioritise your health this year

The pandemic has made people more aware of their health and the need to take care of it. End of year searches about wellbeing was at an all-time high, with Google queries about healthcare reaching unprecedented levels in late 2021; 23% higher than what they would have been otherwise due only this single event! People want not just to survive but thrive during these difficult times by making positive changes beyond typical New Year resolutions – that’s why we see such high interest among consumers on personal wellness topics like eating better (35%), exercising regularly (31%) sleeping enough hours each night (27%).

This year make it a priority to focus on your wellbeing and take some time out for yourself by implementing cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT): CBT is a type of talking therapy that can help you manage your thoughts and feelings. It can be especially useful for people who struggle with anxiety or depression.

1) Meditation

By implementing meditation into your daily routine, you can improve your focus and attention span, as well as decrease stress levels. Research has shown that meditation can also help to increase creativity and cognitive flexibility.

There are many different types of meditation, so find one that works best for you and stick with it! Some popular forms of meditation include mindfulness meditation, breath awareness meditation, and mantra meditation.

Mediation is essential for workplace wellbeing and should be practised regularly as employees who meditate perform better on the job and are less likely to suffer from burnout. Many workplaces are including meditation in their employee wellness programs, so be sure to ask your employer about it!

If you’re looking for an easy way to get started with meditation, we recommend the Headspace app. Remember you are not going to be an expert the first time you try meditating, you are likely to lose focus and get distracting but that is the point! Just stay consistent and eventually you will see and feel the benefits.



2) Stress Management

Employees are struggling with stress more than ever before, and it is taking a toll on their health. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, workplace stress has reached an all-time high, with employees reporting that they feel overwhelmed and undervalued.

Stress management is essential for maintaining a healthy work/life balance. There are many different techniques that can be used to manage stress, such as cognitive restructuring, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation.

It is important for employees to have access to these stress management techniques in order to deal with the everyday stresses of work. Many workplaces are now offering stress management workshops and courses, so be sure to ask your employer about it!

If you’re looking for a stress management technique that you can do at home, we recommend the “stress ball” exercise. This is where you squeeze a stress ball (or any other object) tightly in your hand for about five minutes. This will help to release tension and relieve stress.

3) Family Inclusion

One of the most important trends for workplace wellbeing is family inclusion. Employees are more likely to be productive and engaged in their work when they feel supported by their families. Since COVID many employees have become accustomed to working remotely, so it is important that employers create policies that allow for family involvement going forward in 2022

There are many ways that employers can support employees’ families, such as offering flexible work arrangements, providing childcare subsidies, and organising family events.

Employers who support the family lives of their employees are more likely to see a decrease in employee turnover and an increase in productivity. Family inclusion is essential for maintaining a healthy work/life balance, so be sure to ask your employer about it!

If you’re looking for ways to include your family in your work life, we recommend organising a “work from home day”. This is where you work from home for a day and spend the rest of the day with your family. You can also try working flexible hours so that you can spend more time with your family.



4) Holistic Wellness

As the pandemic has shown us, it is important to think about our mental well-being as much (or more) as physical health. In response, companies are starting workplace wellness programs that include many prevention efforts into one cohesive strategy so they can better support their employees during this time!

Companies should focus on providing robust wellness programs that address all the dimensions of health. This includes initiatives to manage and cope with stress, depression as well financial struggles in order for employees to stay healthy both physically and mentally.

The holistic approach to workplace wellbeing is essential for maintaining a healthy work/life balance. Employers should focus on providing a variety of wellness initiatives that cater to the different needs of their employees. If you’re looking for a holistic approach to workplace wellbeing, we recommend trying out different types of wellness programs until you find one that works best for you! This could include yoga, financial planning courses and regular team bonding plans!




5) Flexible work hours

Remote work and flexible hours have become increasingly popular in the past few years, due to the pandemic! More and more people are seeking a better work/life balance. And for good reason – research has shown that employees who have flexible hours are more productive and engaged in their work.

Flexible hours also help to reduce stress levels, as employees are able to better manage their time. This is especially important for parents, as they can more easily juggle work and childcare responsibilities.

Business owners can improve their flexible work hours by providing employees with the option to work from home, as well as by allowing for a flexible working schedule. Employees should be allowed to choose their own hours, as this will allow them to work during the times that are best for them because everyone’s needs are different. The world we live in is changing dramatically, so it’s important for employers to change with it!

If you’re looking for a job with flexible hours, we recommend looking for jobs that allow you to work from home. You can also try to negotiate flexible hours with your current employer. It never hurts to ask!

Final Thoughts

As we approach the end of January, it’s more than likely that some of these top five will remain as priorities in workplaces all over the world. Which trend do you think is most relevant to your business? Just remember your mental health and wellbeing is just as important as your physical health!

The CIPD Report :Health and wellbeing at Work 2021 survey is a comprehensive study on the mental, physical and social well-being of all types of employees. It includes data that will help organisations and employees anticipate future workplace trends and plan ahead to create happier workplaces for 2022.

Download your copy today!

If you’d like to discuss how we can help you to improve your workplace wellbeing and increase productivity book a call with us



Martina  Witter

BABCP Accredited Cognitive Behaviour Therapist  / Health  & Wellbeing Consultant